What to bring to the lost city trek

The following are some of the recommendations to take to the Lost City tour, some of these are not 100 percent necessary but are suggestions based on the multiple experiences collected in the trip to the Lost City and by guides of the region.

  • Tennis or mountain shoes.
  • Sandals 1 pair.
  • Cotton t-shirt 2 or 3.
  • Shorts.
  • Sweatshirt or long pants.
  • Long shirt.
  • Bathing dress.
  • Towel and stockings (3 pairs).
  • Insect repellents.
  • Personal hygiene items.
  • Lantern.
  • Bottle of water of 1 liter or liter and a half.
  • Personal medicine.
  • 2 plastic bags to protect clothes from moisture.
  • Photo camera.
  • Pills or purifying drops for water.
  • Sunblock.

    Some of these items are not completely necessary, the idea at the time of leaving is to try to go as comfortable as possible, additional is recommended to carry personal hygiene items such as toothbrush, toothpaste, bath soap and toilet paper . The purifying tablets are not necessary, in the cabins there is drinking water in which they can recharge the containers for the tour.

    The long pants, the long sleeve shirt and the stockings are to protect a bit from mosquitoes at night, however each bed or hammock has its respective mosquito net.

Do you know that…?

En la Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta habitan 4 diferentes comunidades indigenas, Los Koguis, Arhuacos, Kankuamos y Wiwas; cada uno maneja su propio dialecto, todos usan el Poporo y se identifican por sus mochilas y vestimentas.

Choose your favorite lost city trek

4 days tour.

5 days tour.

6 days tour.

Bird Watching.